Monday, August 17, 2009

School is in session at Kyzar Elementary

We started back to school this past week. It has been so different from last year and definitely for the better. Thankfully, Jake naps in the morning for the most part. We are having a lot of fun! Drew is in the first grade and Lilly is in preschool.

Happy Birthday to me!!

Well, my birthday was actually at the end of July, but I am just now posting. Marval, my moher-in-law, took me and the kiddos to Ameca (my fave, except for the fact they have now switched to coke products which means pibb and not dr. pepper which is a lot disappoinging for me b/c I loved their fountain dr. peppers) for lunch. Well anyway, Mrs. Stacy, a very sweet friend surprised me with my own personal birthday cake which is also one of my favorites. (store bought cake that is) Jake obviously enjoyed my cake as you can tell in the picture!! It turned out to be a great birthday. The morning of my bday brought a lot of tears as I mourned that usual first happy birthday wish from my momma, but the Lord was and is so good as usual to bring much joy and comfort in the Holy Spirit. I am just thankful for such wonderful kiddos, husband, inlaws, friends, sisters, brothers, ...that made it special.